How Much Does Medical Marijuanas Cost in Maryland? How Much Can You Buy?
Posted on August 30th, 2023 to Uncategorized by Cannaplanners
Planning to become a medical marijuanas patient in Maryland? If so, you likely have a lot of questions when it comes to how much you will be expected to pay and what you can buy to support your wellness. Arming yourself with knowledge before the day you head to your first dispensary can ensure you have a positive experience. So, how much does medical marijuanas cost in Maryland? How much medical marijuanas can you buy in Maryland? Take a look at the answers to these important questions and even more information below.
A Brief Overview of the Maryland Medical Marijuanas Program
Maryland became legal for medical marijuanas in 2017. The Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) has a clear set of rules regarding who can and cannot qualify to become a medical marijuanas patient, including what conditions are considered viable for treatment. The list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuanas in MD includes several conditions, including:
- Cachexia
- Glaucoma
- Anorexia
- Persistent muscle spasms
- Seizures
- Severe nausea
Maryland’s laws do include a caveat that can be important to remember when it comes to qualifying for medical marijuanas. The laws also state patients with other chronic medical conditions may qualify to become a patient if other treatments have not been effective.
How Much Does Medical Marijuanas Cost in Maryland?
Costs for medical marijuanas products in MD vary depending on the type of product, the potency, and even where you shop. Therefore, it can be difficult to pin down a precise price. However, you can estimate a general price range by looking at online menus hosted by the state’s medical dispensaries. A few general price averages for different products include:
- Marijuanas flower 3.5 grams – $30 to $60
- Marijuanas concentrate 1 gram – $40 to $60
- Marijuanas vape cartridges .5 gram – $30 to $55
How Much Medical Marijuanas Can You Buy in Maryland?
The MCA calls the monthly allotment for a medical marijuanas patient an Amount Certified (AC). The standard AC in a 30-day period is either 120 grams of cannabis flower or 36 grams of another THC product. However, patients can have a higher AC if their provider says a patient would benefit from a higher amount than what the state deems as standard.
In MD, the 30-day rule does not go by the month. Instead, the cycle is on a 30-day rolling basis. So, when you visit a dispensary to make a purchase, whatever you have purchased in the prior 30 days will be deducted from the amount you are allowed to purchase. For example, if you’ve purchased 100 grams of flower in the prior 30 days, you can only purchase 20 more grams.
You can purchase your full 30-day AC during one visit. But if you do so, you won’t be able to make another purchase for 30 days. Also, it should be noted that that flower or other THC product AC is a combined limit. If you use 100 percent of your allotment for flower for the month, you won’t be able to purchase other THC products.
What Kind of Medical Marijuanas Can You Buy in MD?
Medical marijuanas cardholders have access to a full range of products in MD. You can purchase flower, but also topicals, tinctures, edibles, concentrates, vaporizers, and pre-rolls. There are also no potency caps in MD.
Other Medical Marijuanas FAQS
Where can you buy medical marijuanas in Maryland?
Medical marijuanas can be purchased at any medical dispensary in the state. The MCA provides a full list of dispensaries to reference.
Can you grow your own marijuanas plants in MD?
As of July 1, 2023, it became legal for medical marijuanas patients to grow up to four plants of their own at home. The cannabis must be grown in an area that is out of public view, however. Seeds and clones can be purchased from area dispensaries.
Will insurance cover the costs of medical marijuanas in Maryland?
Insurance companies are not required to cover the costs of medical marijuanas in MD. However, there may be opportunities to save money at different dispensaries as a patient, specifically if you are a senior, veteran, or first-time patient.
Need Assistance with Your MD Medical Marijuanas Certification?
Ready to take the next steps? Be sure to take a look at the full guide on how to get a medical marijuanas card in Maryland. Compassionate Care Consultants can help you get certified. Reach out to schedule an appointment for your no-hassle consultation.
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