Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a major issue affecting millions of people worldwide. These detrimental conditions can prompt unwanted, severe symptoms that make life difficult for patients.
Regardless, most states nationwide are acknowledging medical marijuana as an effective HIV and AIDS remedy. This alternative medication offers various benefits for HIV/AIDS patients with pain, nausea, and appetite loss.
AIDS results from the progression of HIV, a virus transmittable through sexual intercourse, blood transfusion, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or childbirth. HIV/AIDS destroys immune systems, making the body susceptible to infections. Although HIV/AIDS has no cure, most prescription medications can stop its progress.
HIV/AIDS symptoms vary depending on the physical state of the patient. For instance, acute HIV sufferers may experience fever, headache, and diarrhea a few weeks after infection. AIDS sufferers will also experience body weakness, sweats, chills, and recurring fever.
It becomes difficult to tackle the side effects of HIV/AIDS such as nausea, vomiting, heart disease, weakened bones, and emotional problems. Therefore, medical marijuana can act as a perfect treatment for these side effects.
Medical Marijuana as Treatment for HIV/AIDS
Medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for the symptoms of HIV/AIDS. Cannabis can effectively relieve many symptoms as well as the side effects of prescriptions medications.
Cannabis can help regulate nausea and increase appetite in HIV/AIDS patients even when they are experiencing severe gastrointestinal symptoms. Marijuana can also reduce pain making it easy for HIV/AIDS patients to continue with their usual activities.
Although medical cannabis won’t interact with other HIV/AIDS medications, it’s essential to consult your local physician to discuss if this treatment is right for you.
Research on medical marijuana and HIV/AIDS
Cannabis is a long-term effective treatment for HIV/AIDS symptoms as well as the side effects of traditional AIDS medications. A 2004 study published by the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome states that.
A substantial percentage of cannabis users consider it as helpful in relieving symptoms commonly associated with HIV/AIDS. Most users stated that they experienced relief from anxiety and depression after smoking cannabis. Some also experienced appetite stimulation and relief from nausea.
Will Marijuana Help HIV/AIDS?
Nowadays, medical cannabis is now a preferable alternative to treating HIV and AIDS symptoms. Using medical marijuana to reduce the severity of HIV/AIDS has shown success in some patients. Cannabis can alleviate symptoms including pain, anxiety, nausea, and depression. It can also increase weight among HIV/AIDS sufferers. According to several studies, medical marijuana can help HIV patients by reducing the viral load, therefore, slowing the progression of the disease.
Medical Marijuana offers significant potential health benefits for HIV and AIDS patients. A popular benefit includes its use as a pain reliever. Furthermore, studies point that HIV/AIDS patients using medical marijuana for treatment experience stress relief which in turn makes them eat. The activation of the different endocannabinoid receptors stimulates appetite and regulates involuntary reflexes, such as nausea.
Cannabis as a treatment for HIV/AIDS can also potentially improve overall gut function and also reduce symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and nausea. Apart from physical benefits, medical marijuana also offers emotional benefits such as increase confidence, relief from depression and anxiety.
Bottom line
Medical marijuana for HIV/AIDS is no longer news as a substantial number of patients are already using it as a remedy. Cannabis can relieve common side effects of HIV/AIDS but it’s not a proven cure. Contact your local physician to get guides on how to use medical marijuana for HIV/AIDS.
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