Terminal illness and Medical Marijuana

Posted on September 23rd, 2021 to Uncategorized by


Terminal illness is any condition in the later stages that is currently beyond treatment and is forecasted to make the patient die. A common example of terminal illness is metastatic cancer that continues to spread despite chemotherapy. Another example could be a persistent infection that isn’t responding to treatment. It could also be a patient with kidney failure who can’t receive organ transplantation. Patients with a terminal illness know that they have only a few days left before dying.

Medical marijuana is recommended for terminal illnesses as it helps with pain, nausea, loss of appetite, depression, and insomnia. Most often patients with terminal illness require a caregiver to pick up their medications. They also need someone to administer their medication. 

Medical marijuana for terminal illness

The major issue surrounding terminal illness is the psychological trauma that comes after its diagnosis. Many patients become severely depressed and may even switch to street drugs. Also, these terminal illnesses come with chronic pain, which only further amplifies their psychological symptoms.

Although many conditions cause terminal illnesses, most patients experience only a handful of these conditions. Common symptoms include physical and emotional or mental symptoms.

Terminal illness patients usually struggle with their palliative treatments. Opiates and antidepressants both result in side effects that intensify most of the end-stage struggles.

Medical cannabis is an alternative treatment option that is successful among people with terminal illnesses.

Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana as Terminal Illness Treatment

The primary cannabinoids, cannabidiol (CBD) and (THC) tetrahydrocannabinol can treat issues relating to appetite, movement, memory, and pain. It’s also useful in alleviating nausea and pain.

Some doctors recommend medical marijuana as an alternative for palliative treatments due to its effectiveness in reducing vomiting and nausea. Cannabis can also stimulate appetite in patients finding difficulties eating.

Medical Marijuana and Palliative Care

Medical cannabis can help terminally ill patients with uncomfortable symptoms, increasing the effects of palliative care.  Cannabis brings relief without resulting in any side effects.  Cannabis also treats the negative side effects of pharmaceutical pills, making life easy for the patient.

Common symptoms of terminal illness treatable with cannabis include;

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite, weight loss
  • Pain
  • Digestive problems – constipation and diarrhea
  • Stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia

Using Medical Marijuana in Terminal Illness

Medical marijuana can help with different symptoms of a terminal illness. To use medical marijuana as a remedy, you have to take into consideration the level of THC and CBD. THC can relieve nausea, vomiting, appetite loss and weight loss, diarrhea, depression, and stress. CBD can relieve pain, constipation, and anxiety. 

Medical marijuana can supplement palliative care treatments. It can reduce the side effects of medications and increase the confidence levels of the patient. Medical marijuana for terminal illness is available in several forms including capsules, tinctures, or edibles.

Bottom line

It’s already clear that medical marijuana has helped many in the medical community. Medical marijuana can improve the quality of life for patients with terminal illness. Patients with terminal illnesses will need someone to administer their medical marijuana safely. Before using medical marijuana ensure to consult

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