Sickle Cell Anemia
Does medical marijuana help with Sickle Cell Anemia?
Sickle cell anemia affects more than 100,000 people across America, and about 1% of African American babies are born with the condition. The disease requires a lot of costs to treat, and it usually leads to discomfort and an unhealthy lifestyle when not properly handled. The symptoms of the sickle cell have made scientists start finding alternative ways to give sufferers a more comfortable life. Although sickle cell has only one possible cure, numerous studies show that medical marijuana could be a potential treatment for some of its symptoms. This article focuses on what you need to know about medical marijuana and sickle cell anemia
What Is Sickle Cell Anemia?
Sickle cell anemia is a disease that mainly affects the blood. Sickle cell makes red blood cells to mutate into a shape like sickle, or crescent, which makes it difficult for these blood cells to carry oxygen through the body adequately. It also facilitates blood clots and stoppages in the veins. This condition can put a person at high risk of stroke and other severe conditions. It also causes a lack of oxygen, which can make the hands and feet swell severely. Inflammation affects the internal organs, which leads to damage and a high risk of infections.
People with sickle cell anemia experience issues like vision problems, as well as delayed puberty and slowed growth. Plus, they also suffer from chronic pain called “sickle pain” due to inflammation of the circulatory system. This leads to severe pain and discomfort experienced by sufferers of sickle cell.
The one possible traditional cure for sickle cell anemia is a blood marrow transplant. However, this cure isn’t guaranteed, and its usually costly and difficult to receive the transplant. Most sickle cell patients often take treatments like pain relievers, antibiotics, and medications that block blood cells from mutating. Nonetheless, the medicines for this disease usually lead to side effects. So, can medical marijuana act as a perfect alternative for sickle cell?
What Is Sickle Cell Anemia?
Sickle cell anemia is a disease that mainly affects the blood. Sickle cell makes red blood cells to mutate into a shape like sickle, or crescent, which makes it difficult for these blood cells to carry oxygen through the body adequately. It also facilitates blood clots and stoppages in the veins. This condition can put a person at high risk of stroke and other severe conditions. It also causes a lack of oxygen, which can make the hands and feet swell severely. Inflammation affects the internal organs, which leads to damage and a high risk of infections.
People with sickle cell anemia experience issues like vision problems, as well as delayed puberty and slowed growth. Plus, they also suffer from chronic pain called “sickle pain” due to inflammation of the circulatory system. This leads to severe pain and discomfort experienced by sufferers of sickle cell.
The one possible traditional cure for sickle cell anemia is a blood marrow transplant. However, this cure isn’t guaranteed, and its usually costly and difficult to receive the transplant. Most sickle cell patients often take treatments like pain relievers, antibiotics, and medications that block blood cells from mutating. Nonetheless, the medicines for this disease usually lead to side effects. So, can medical marijuana act as a perfect alternative for sickle cell?
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